How to download Ubuntu in Spanish

Are you thinking about trying Linux and are you going to do it with the Ubuntu distribution? Surely you have launched to find information about the operating system and have seen many things in English. And having an operating system in English is not so funny anymore. Is it possible to download Ubuntu in Spanish ? In Spanish and in almost any language you are looking for, because the truth is that Ubuntu is translated into many languages. In .com we tell you how to download Ubuntu in Spanish.

Steps to follow:


Go to the Ubuntu website and click on "Ubuntu Desktop".


In the new screen, click on the red download button in which it says, in addition to the version, "LTS".


You will go to a screen where you will be asked if you want to contribute and donate money to the cause. You can decide yes or leave it for later by clicking on "Not now, take me to the download" and accept the download when it starts.


An .iso file will be downloaded, that is, a disk image. Mount it on a DVD or USB, as you prefer, and boot the computer with it. In the first Ubuntu screen that will appear you can choose language in the left column. You can now continue with your installation of Ubuntu in Spanish.