How to convert WPS files

The WPS file extension is a kind of relic in terms of word processing programs. It was the original word processing program when DOS was introduced in the late 1980s. Like all things related to 80, it seems that there are still some WPS files on old floppy disks that have to be introduced in the 21st century. There are a handful of tricks you can use to change annoying WPS files.

Steps to follow:


Double-click on the WPS file . If you are lucky, you will automatically be asked by Microsoft Word to convert the file to an extension. Doc.


Change the name of the file manually. Click on the WPS file icon , select "Rename" and change the extension manually. For example, you can change the file name to Cool.wps to Cool.doc. Once you have changed the name, double-click on the file and confirm if it is loaded.


Copy the data into the WPS file and paste it into a new Word file. If the data is pasted correctly - that is, that correct sentences do not stick together like a string of numbers and symbols - then you can save the file and delete the old WPS file.


If you have MS Works, you can load CM files and save them as you like. Doc o. Txt.


Download a Microsoft WPS converter as a last resort. This converter will load the WPS file and ask you to save it as a .doc or .txt document.