What to do if my cat limps

If you have just realized that your cat is limping you should know that lameness is not a disease in itself but is a symptom of some ailment that your cat suffers: since a bee has bitten you to have a broken bone. The first thing you should do is determine the cause of the lameness, in this way, you can help your pet recover as soon as possible.

In .com we want to show you what to do if your cat limps so you can heal it as soon as possible and help it to walk normally again.

The causes of a cat's limp

As we have already mentioned, the causes of a limping cat can be very scattered; Below we detail the main so you know what to do if your cat limps and so you can help him recover more quickly.

  • Wounds on the pads (which is the soft area they have in the palm of the legs)
  • Infections in the extremities
  • Injuries to the nails or legs
  • Bruises due to a strong blow
  • Joint problems
  • Fractures or breaks of a bone or muscle
  • Tumor

Examine your cat

To know what to do if your cat has lameness, it is recommended that you examine the area to determine the cause. When you look at the painful area you should look for an external element that may be the cause of limping, such as a shin that has been stuck, a foreign object that has been stuck between the pads, and so on.

If you notice that your cat has leg wounds, it may be because he has walked over an area with broken glass or sharp elements; These wounds in cats usually heal themselves.

If you have not discovered any strange element, the next thing you have to look for is if your cat has an inflamed area; If so, it may be that the lameness comes from a sting of a bee whose sting is highly recommended that you remove it with your nails or with tweezers. Inflammation can also result from a sprain or broken limb; If this is your suspicion, it is best that you go to the veterinarian to examine it in detail.

The rehabilitation of cats

Like a person, animals also need a recovery period after an injury; Therefore, if your cat had a sprain or a broken bone, it is essential that to recover 100% follow some rehabilitation guidelines that should be marked by your veterinarian .

The rehabilitation can consist of your cat having some specific exercises to exercise the injured area, or it may be that he must rest; In any case, it will always be a professional who should dictate what to do.

Our recommendation

If after having examined the area, you still do not know what to do if your cat limps, we recommend that you visit your veterinarian to determine the exact cause of the lameness. The opinion of a professional is always important and will help your cat live a healthy and healthy life.