How to train a Dalmatian

People who have a Dalmatian at home are sure that they have already realized that it is a very energetic race that requires a lot of attention and fiddling at home. It is that this breed of dogs is like that but that is not contrary to being able to train him well because, although he is very active, he is also very intelligent and obedient. In this article we are going to show you how to train a Dalmatian by giving you some basic tips that will help you to have a great coexistence.

Steps to follow:


It is important that you know how a Dalmatian is to adapt his training sessions to his personal needs. The first thing you have to keep in mind is that it is an intelligent dog that quickly acquires the knowledge you want to give him but as long as he is tired and does not feel like going out. It is an obedient animal but to have your attention fully focused on you first it is important to take him out for a walk so that he can burn energy and be tired.

Due to its active nature, you should know that you also get tired quickly of the training sessions so the most effective thing is to do short sessions but twice a day with different exercises; one session in the morning and another in the afternoon after the 5-minute walk each will be enough for your Dalmatian to be educated.


To get your Dalmatian to get used to doing his needs outside the home, it is important that you train him as a child. It is not a complicated breed for this purpose because it is a very clean dog and does not want to dirty the place where he lives so if you take him out from a puppy as a puppy, he will learn where he has to do his things is away from home.

Anyway, it is always good to work with positive reinforcements when training any dog, therefore, it is advisable that when you do your needs outside you will be awarded with a dog treat.


Tell your Dalmatian that you are the one who commands . In most dog breeds it is important to establish mastery and take away the feeling of leadership. Dalmatians have a strong personality and character so if you feel you are weak you will quickly assume your dominance role. To get ahead of your Dalmatian simple guidelines are enough:

  • Be firm in your decisions : if you do not let him get on the couch, never let him. Your "No" order must be firm and strong. If you show any weakness in this regard, it will quickly get on top of you and go up whenever you want, no matter how much you prevent it. The sofa is an example but we refer to any rule of conduct you want to establish: do not ask for food when you put the table, do not play with your shoes, and so on.
  • The theme of the leash : when you go out for a walk it is also a time when the dog will always put your character to the test. Keep in mind that, especially at the beginning of having your Dalmatian, when you walk he should never get in front of you because this is a sign of dominion; Try to always go by your side or behind you. If you get ahead of you, give him a gentle pull on the strap and stay still so he understands that you will not continue walking if he does not obey you. At this time it is also important to reinforce positively the behavior of your dog, so, always bring treats or prizes with you.
  • Enter the house : the moment you return home from the walk, who enters first is also for the Dalmatian the dominant person. You will see that he always gets very close to the door and will always try to enter the house before anyone else, but this behavior must be corrected and you must pass first .

With these simple tips you will be able to establish your domain before the dog and, thus, make your training easier and your coexistence more comfortable.


The Dalmatian is also a very sociable breed of dogs but you will need to relate to other dogs since you are a puppy. Whenever you take him for a walk try to go to places where there are dogs and let him play for a long time; avoid solitary places because if your Dalmatian does not get used to interacting from a very young age, it is possible that he later becomes a timid or fearful animal and, therefore, does not react well to the canine presence (may present aggressive attacks or tremble).

That is why it is important that you get used to playing with other dogs from a young age and get very positive social relationships. In this article we tell you how to present two dogs.