How to charge my iPhone faster

Who has never met a person complaining about the short durability of his iPhone ?

If we have seen previously how we could improve the battery of our smatphone, in this article we will explain some tips and tricks that will get your iPhone charged faster when you can not wait ... Keep reading!

You will need to:
  • An iphone
  • USB or wall charger for Apple
Steps to follow:


Turn it off when you are going to charge the battery; by not using it in any way the procedure will be much faster.


If you do not want to wait for it to load having it turned off, we suggest the 'airplane mode' that your phone rests in some way while it is charging (that is, it will not search for WiFi, it will not use 3G, etc.).


Connect it to the current; If you do not have a charger, you can buy it on the Internet - it is proven that not only is the load faster but it also lasts longer.


The battery discharges quickly and costs to charge in extreme temperatures; that is, avoid hot places and redo it in a "cool" so that the iPhone increases its battery with more speed .


Accelerate USB charging - if it's the only option you have; To do this, do not synchronize the iPhone at the same time and eliminate all USB devices that have more power of attraction on the computer than your smartphone.


Save on battery by following our 100% effective tips on how to do it.