How to prepare bloody fingers for a Halloween dinner

Halloween is a party that is celebrated on October 31 in the United States, northern Mexico and some provinces of Canada. In this festivity the parties of disguises, the jokes, the bonfires, the enchanted houses, etc. are very typical. In recent years, other countries also celebrate this holiday and even organize parties at home. If you are thinking of organizing a Halloween party, here is a recipe for cooking that will horrify your guests. Below, we show you how to prepare bloody fingers for a Halloween dinner.

You will need to:
  • franfurts
  • almonds
  • ketchup
Steps to follow:


Take the frankfurts and put them on a griddle or in a pan to make them.


Split the frankfurts in half lengthwise and put them on a plate or tray.


Grab the almond halves to make the fingernails.


Add a lot of ketchup at the opposite end of the nails (base of the fingers) to make it look bloody.


Finally, add a little more ketchup but in lesser quantity for the rest of the fingers to make it look like splashed blood and you will have managed to make bloody fingers for Halloween.