How to change my Gmail profile photo

Do you need to update the image that appears when you send your emails? Do you think it's time to change that Gmail photo that you still do not know why you went up? Do not get upset, it's very simple to do, it will not take more than a few minutes. Focus on choosing the image correctly and we will explain step by step how to change my Gmail profile photo.

Steps to follow:


The profile picture of Gmail is the one that appears next to your name when you send or respond to emails, so it will be advisable that it is a photo of you where you are recognized. In the same way, and especially if you use your e-mail for professional reasons, you should look for a profile picture that gives a good image of you.

So, the first thing you should do is access Gmail and start your session with your address and password. Next, you must click on the image that you see in the upper right corner and the message 'Change photo' will appear overlay, press right there.


This will open a pop-up dialog that will allow you to change the Gmail photo through the following methods:

  • Upload photos: to upload new images
  • Your photos: choose one that you have previously uploaded
  • Photos where it appears: search among the Google+ photos where you have been tagged
  • Webcam: make a new photo through the webcam

Choose the one you prefer, although if you have never changed your photo before, you should probably upload a new one.


Choose the folder where you save what will be your new Gmail profile photo and select that image. It does not matter too much about the vertical or horizontal format of the image, since then you must adjust it to make it square ; likewise you can reframe it to bring it closer or further away and you will even have the possibility of turning it to the left or right. Once you have it ready, you will only have to click on the button 'Set as profile picture'.


So, you have already finished the process to change your image in the Google e-mail service and you will see your new photo in the upper right part of the mail manager, just where you have started to change it. You can take a test and email yourself to see what your current Gmail profile photo looks like and change it again if you do not like it.


It should be noted that the photos that you upload as a profile will be automatically saved in an album and you will be able to consult them at any time, as well as delete them if you do not want to continue saving them. To do this, you must access your Google+ account and go to the Photos section and there, to the 'Profile Photos'.