How to change the password of my router

A router is a device that we use to give connectivity to our other devices, usually via ethernet or wifi. This means that it is the device responsible for allowing Internet access to our home devices. It is also known as a router . They can be purchased at any electronics store, but the usual thing is that by contracting the Internet service with the main operators to provide us with a generic router. In this .com article we will see how to change the password of our router .

You will need to:
  • A router
  • Find the section to change the password of our router
Steps to follow:


Users usually do not take the trouble to change the password that our router brings by default, which increases the risk of someone to penetrate our network with a number of infinite consequences. That is why it is very important that as soon as we modify the default password of the router.


The first step we should take is to know our IP This can be done in two ways. The first is to consult in one of the many web pages that you provide us automatically. This is the case of or


The other way to know our IP is in the writing box of the Start menu. There we will write cmd . An MS DOS window will appear in which we will have to write: ipconfig . Then the screen will show us a series of data: we will have to write down the numbers that we put in the gateway . We close the MS DOS window because it is no longer necessary.


We put the numbers of our IP in our navigation bar and press enter . Then a window will open where we will be asked to authenticate as users and enter the password. At this point, there are several options. On the one hand, it may be the case that we know the user and the password, with which we will only have to enter these data.

The most common is that we do not know, but we can try 3 or 4 ways to get it. One is looking for it in the instruction manual of our router. Another alternative is to contact our telephone service operator and request the information. Another way is to try to find out. Test placing user admin or 1234 . For the password we will try the same, admin or 1234 . The combination admin as user and admin as a password is absolutely daily, which demonstrates the vulnerability of our home network. The final option would be to consult the default users and passwords for our router model or for the routers of our telephone service operator.


Each router has its own menu, so once we have accessed it, we will have to look for what allows us to modify the password. The usual terms to modify the password go through wireless, configuration, password, settings, security, etc. Once we find the corresponding section of our router, they will ask us to enter the old password and the new one that we choose ourselves. We will give you to apply and we will make the proof that we can access the router with the new password.

  • Put a new password to identify us as administrators of our router since each model brings a default that is easily known.