How to change the Hotmail password

The Hotmail email service, which has changed its name to Outlook, remains for some the best alternative to send and receive emails. Others, who have decided to open new accounts in services such as Gmail, still retain the address of the one that in the past was the most popular email provider. If you are one of those who still have an email associated with Hotmail, it is recommended that after a long time with the same password, and for security, change it. If you want to do it but you do not know where to start, in .com we explain in detail how to change the Hotmail password .

Steps to follow:


To change your Hotmail password, log in to your account with your username and password. Once inside go to the top right of your screen and click on the nut-shaped image that you will find. There you will have to select Options.


In Manage your Account, choose the first alternative Account Details (passwords, addresses, time zone).


To continue and get to change your Hotmail password effectively, the system will ask for your password acts, because you will enter strictly personal data that only the owner of that email must access.


Once here, go to the left side of the screen and press Security and Password. The system will tell you that you must check your account with a code before changing the password, this will be done by sending the code to another email that you must have associated with this account. If for some reason you did not already have the email that appears here, you will have to choose "I do not have any of these". In this case you must indicate a phone number or some means to send the security hatred.

If you have it, confirm the address below and press next.


Once you receive the code enter it, here you can also indicate to the system if in the future you do not want this request to be done again.

Then you can see all the data related to your account. In this step you can finally change the Hotmail password successfully by clicking on Change password. Following these indications you will already have an updated and more secure password.