How to change your Gmail password

Gmail is one of the most popular email services today, offering huge storage possibilities while having services such as Hagnouts chat, Google Drive or the ability to synchronize the account with different devices to make backups of the information, save photos in the cloud, etc. But as a good email account it is important to keep security to the maximum and change the keys periodically, so in .com we explain how to change the Gmail password, watch out for these steps!

Steps to follow:


Changing the Gmail password periodically is important to maintain our security, thus ensuring that not everyone accesses our email account, which normally has personal and sensitive information.


To begin the process of changing the Gmail password, you must log in to your account and go to the top right, where your photograph is located. Click on the photo and you will see two options: "account" and "privacy". Select account


Once inside you can see your account information. In the upper part you will see several tabs, you will have to select the second "security".


Once inside the system will offer you four alternatives, select the first of them located in the upper left side of the screen: Change password .


By selecting this alternative you will be able to access a screen in which it will be possible to change your Gmail password by typing the current password and choosing the new password. Remember that it is important to choose safe and complex combinations that you can remember and that allow you to maintain security in your email account.


And what happens if you always enter your email with a password stored in the system and do not remember what it is? In that case, we recommend you check our article how to recover the Gmail password, where we explain what to do if you have forgotten your password.