How to change the Facebook password

Facebook is, until now, the social network with the most followers in the world, a very popular space among people of all ages in which we share information and maintain contact with our friends. Maintaining privacy in this social network is essential, so it is important to change our password from time to time and do it immediately if we suspect that someone knows or that a person intends to enter our account without our authorization. Therefore, in .com we explain how to change the Facebook password with a simple step by step.

Steps to follow:


To change the Facebook password, the first thing you must do is login to your account with your current username and password.


Once inside you should go to the top right of the screen and press on the little arrow you will find. A menu will be displayed, there you will have to select the option "Configuration".


In the general configuration of your account you will find several alternatives, but in order to change the Facebook password, the option that interests us is the fourth one, "Password". Click on "Edit" to continue with the process.


Once you have done this, an option will be displayed in which it will be possible to change the Facebook password . You just have to enter your current and new password, save the changes and that's it! Process completed.


And if the problem is that you always enter Facebook directly from your computer and you do not remember which initial key you chose, or you just have a long time without entering this social network and you forgot it, then we recommend you consult our article how to recover the Facebook password.