How to change the font in Whatsapp

The typography of WhatsApp messages could not be changed until now! This popular instant messaging app has launched a new functionality that allows you to modify the source of messages, something totally new and innovative. Until now, if you wanted to change the lyrics you had to go to the settings of the mobile to modify, from there, the typography that will be on the screen but, of course, this not only affected WhatsApp but also all other applications that you had installed . However, from now on we can modify the typography of our messages and in this article we are going to tell you how I will change the font in Whastapp giving you the trick that will help you achieve it.

Steps to follow:


This functionality is completely new and, for the time being, it only allows the standard font to be changed to another font that is known as "FixedSys" . This is the only alternative typeface that WhatsApp makes available to its customers but it is understood that, in the long run, there will be many more varieties that will allow us to fully customize our application.


To be able to change the font in WhatsApp, we only have to open the application and go to any of the messages that we have open. Enter one of them and, when you write your message, put three accents serious or open (`) at the beginning of the text and close it with three more serious accents at the end (`).

So, an example of text would be:

`` `I'm testing the WhatsApp lyrics```

As soon as you send the message, you will see that in the conversation a new typeface appears and this is the new one that you can use.



Above all it should be noted that for this update to work on your device you must have downloaded the latest version of WhatsApp, otherwise, the system that you would have installed would not recognize this code.

So, if you want to change the font of WhatsApp go to Google Play or App Store to download the latest version of the application and, thus, be able to try these new features.


In addition to this change, currently in this application you can also change the formats of the letter and, for example, put bold, italics or crossed out in WhatsApp . It is a new functionality that allows us to highlight some messages that we send and use a more adjusted and personalized text format.

As it happened with the change of the letter type, to make these changes we will have to enter the body of a conversation and start writing a message. Both at the beginning and at the end of it we will add different elements that will encode the text and will show it differently as soon as we give it to "Send".

Send a message in bold on Whatsapp

For a word or phrase to be highlighted in bold we will have to put an asterisk (*) both in front of and behind it. A) Yes:

* Bold example *

Send a message in italics

If we want to quote something or simply use a cursive, then our message should be accompanied by an underscore (_) both in the initial and final part of the text. An example would be:

_Express example_

Send a crossed out word on Whatsapp

If we want to cross out a word or a phrase in this app, we will only have to accompany them with the virgulillas (~) both at the beginning and at the end of the message. Example:

~ Example of strikethrough ~


We emphasize that for all these new features of the application to be seen on your mobile device or on that of your friend, it is imperative that both of you have the new updated version . It may be that you see the formatted message (with bold and with the new source) but that, however, your friend does not see it that way: the reason is that you have to update the app to be able to see it correctly.

If you want to change the font size, we recommend you read this article in which we tell you how to change the font size of WhatsApp on iPhone.