How to delete messages from a WhatsApp group

WhatsApp groups often have many people who are encouraged to write messages that are not at all important for conversation. If you want, it is possible to delete those that are not very valid in order to simplify the data and keep what is relevant (for example day and time it has been). Follow these simple steps to get it without deleting the group you belong to.

Steps to follow:


Go to the WhatsApp Application and normally go to the group you want, in the Chats tab.


Place the cursor over the comments of the component that you want to erase. Better start with the most recent ones, as they will probably be the most annoying.


You will see that where you normally insert your text to answer, it gives you 3 options: R for answer, D for deleting and F for sending.


Press D and you will be asked if you want to delete the message. Select accept. You must do it with each intervention of the person, be patient.


And if you love this application then we give you the step by step to install whatsapp on your computer, create groups on your blackberry smartphone or block a number in your contact list to prevent someone you do not want from writing you

  • It is a slow but effective method. Make sure you do not erase anything important! You will not be able to recover it.