How to delete comments on Instagram

Normally we are very excited that someone comments our Instagram photos as it usually means that they like them but there are other times when we would prefer that those comments do not appear. Either because it is spam, an insult, or just something that does not seem to make sense, the truth is that in your photos you have control over which comments appear and which do not. In .com we tell you how to delete comments on Instagram.

Steps to follow:


The first step to know how to delete comments on Instagram is to open the application and click on the photo in which the comment you want to delete is.


Then you will see how in the lower part of the picture a heart appears to say "I like it" and a speech bubble to comment on. Click on the sandwich, as if you were going to comment on the photo.


To delete comments on Instagram you must find the comment you want to delete and click on it for a few seconds, until a menu is opened.


The first option of this menu is " Delete comment ", click on it. If the comment is spam or another type of abuse, press the second option "Delete comment and report it as abusive".


To finish, you will see that a window will open in which you will be asked if you are sure you want to delete the comment on Instagram . Press "Delete" and the comment will disappear.


If you are a regular user of Instagram, in this article we will show you different uses and utilities of this social network. Check here the articles on how Instagram works.