How to block a phone number

Our phones usually only give us joys (that's what they are for!), But sometimes they also create a headache or even annoy us. One of the classic reasons why we can get angry every time we see the phone ringing is by recognizing a number that we know we do not want to be called. Whether it's a joke, a scam, or just a persona non grata who's on the other side, our life would be easier if we could block that number. But how? In .com we tell you how to block a phone number.

Block a number in iOS

If you have an iPhone, you can select contacts or numbers that you have recently interacted with and add them to the blocked list. Thus, you will not receive calls or messages from that phone number. To do so, go to the 'Phone' app and, once there, to 'Recent' . You will see a list of the numbers that have called you or recently called you. Locate the one you want to block and press the information button next to it. On the next screen, go to the bottom of the card and press 'Block this contact' . Confirm!

You may also be interested in knowing how to block a WhatsApp phone on iPhone.

Block a number on Android

If you have an Android phone, to block a number you will have to add it to your contact list first. Once this step is done, go to 'Contacts' and select the one you want to block. Once in the tab of the contact in question, press the menu button and select 'Add to the rejected list' . Ready! You will never receive calls from that number on your Android.

Block a number in Windows Phone

If your device is Windows Phone, you can block numbers also easily and quickly. From the application list, go to 'Phone'. In the 'History' tab, you will see all the contacts and numbers you have called or recently called. Locate the number you want to block and keep it pressed a few seconds until a menu opens. Select 'Block number' and then accept.

Block a number on BlackBerry

Your BlackBerry also allows blocking numbers so they can not call you or send messages, although you will need to download a BlackBerry World app. Search the "Call Blocker" app store and install it on your device. Open the app and, in the menu that appears, select 'Manage list'. Select 'Black List' and then click on the 'Add' button. You will have two options: 'add a contact' (if the number you want to block is your contact), 'add a number' (if it is a number you will dial). Select the one you want and enter the contact or number. Ready!