How to block a WhatsApp contact on Android

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular and successful messaging applications, but it must be said that we all know one or another person that we do not want to speak to us through this chat. Because WhatsApp is synchronized with the contact list of our mobile, it is enough that someone has your number and this app so that you can talk to you, however there is a way to avoid it effectively: blocking . If you want to know how to block a WhatsApp contact on Android keep reading, because in .com we explain it to you.

Steps to follow:


When blocking a WhatsApp contact in Android this person will not be able to contact you directly through the messages or calls offered by this application, however if they are in a group together you will continue to receive their messages and this contact yours, for which it is convenient leave the groups in which they coincide to limit the contact as much as possible.

Also remember that this person has your number and therefore can call you or send you a text message without problems, the block is only for WhatsAap.


To block a WhatsApp contact on Android you must enter the application and go to the Contacts tab, there press the magnifying glass icon and type the name of the person you want to block. Once it appears, click on the contact as if you were going to write it.


Within the conversation you must press the three points that are in the upper right corner to access the menu .


In the menu alternatives, select More to access the option that allows you to block this person.


The first option you will see is Block, press it. The system will warn you that this person will not be able to contact you again through WhatsApp messages or calls, confirm and you will have blocked the contact successfully.


But what happens if you regret it? Unblocking a WhatsApp contact is very simple, just look it up again in the list and keep your name pressed. The system will give you a notice that reads "Unblock X person", when you click on this warning the contact will be automatically unlocked.