How to block someone on Twitter

The users who follow us on Twitter, the followers, do not usually bother us, but there are times when we would prefer that certain people do not follow us. Either because it is a "persona non grata" or because it is a spam bot and we do not want to be among the users it follows, there is a solution: block that user. Is this possible to do? In .com we tell you how to block someone on Twitter step by step .

You will need to:
  • Twitter account
  • Computer with Internet access
Steps to follow:


Log into your Twitter account and look for that user who is bothering you. You can block any user, whether or not among your followers. Click on the username of the person you want to block.


A window with the profile of that user will open.


Click on the icon in which there is a person (on the right, next to the "Continue" button). A pop-up menu will open.


Click on " Block @ username ".


Ready! You'll see that now where the "Continue" button used to be, it says "Blocked".