How to find out who stopped me from following on Twitter

Any day you go to Twitter and you realize that you have stopped following some users and then you question: why? Who were they? If you still have few followers, it can be easy to detect people who have decided to leave your list of followers, but if you have a long list, it is impossible to know exactly who they were. If you want to know who has stopped following you in the social network, in .com we teach you to find out step by step.

Steps to follow:


The first step will be to enter Goodbye, Buddy! and click on 'Sign in with Twitter' and then 'Authorize the application'. In this way, you will be granting permission for the social network to access your data and offer you information about who has stopped following you on Twitter . Do not fear for your personal data and passwords, as they will continue to be protected.


Wait while Goodbye, Buddy! load the list of users who have made you unfollow . When finished, select ' Unfollower List ' to see who has left the list of followers. It should be noted that you can refresh this information and check again who has made you unfollow on your Twitter account and, therefore, no longer follows you.

That easy! We hope that the followers who have stopped following you are the least possible!


There are many other applications and similar web pages through which you can find out who does not follow you on Twitter . So, you can also opt for Tuitutil that, in addition to specifying who does not follow you, will also offer you other information such as who are the users with whom you most interact and you can even activate a notification system to notify you of your new unfollowers.

  • Check frequently who stops following you to try to find out if it is for a specific reason.