How to appear in Google Maps

Do you want your business to appear on Google Maps ? You have noticed that all companies appear geolocated on the map and you want yours to be too, but you do not know how to do it, right? It is a very useful feature for your customers or users to easily reach your location and that is why in this article we explain step by step how to add a place in Google Maps.

Steps to follow:


The first step to add a place to Google Maps will be to have a Google account or a Gmail email and, therefore, an account in Google+ (the Google social network that is automatically created associated with all accounts). So, in case you do not have it, you must register and create an account.

In case you already have it, it will be much easier, because you only have to access your Google+ and go to the option 'Pages' from the drop-down menu on the left and there choose the page in question, in case you manage more of one.


At the time of creating the page of your business that you will associate to the location in Google Maps, you must choose the type of company:

  • Showcase
  • Service area
  • Brand


Next, you must locate your organization or company on the map to be able to exit on Google Maps, so you must write in the text box the postal address where the headquarters of your company is located.

You may get a message that this location is not found -because you have never registered before-, however you should also click on the blue magnifying glass icon or the enter key on your keyboard.


At this time, you must fill out a form with the specific details of your company, such as name, address, zip code, city, province, telephone, etc. It will be very important that you fill in these fields correctly, since to be able to register a place in Google Maps it is necessary a verification by Google, and this is done by a phone call to the number of the company you enter or a letter.

Then you must continue filling in all the information to complete your Google+ page.


In case you have already created the Google+ page of your company, you can go to MyBusiness, which is the application used to manage business addresses in order to appear on Google Maps. In this way, you must confirm that you have the necessary permissions to add information about the location of the company and complete all the data that you request.

As in the previous case, before your company appears in Google Maps, it will be necessary for Google to carry out the verification through a phone call or letter.