How to add music to my Instagram photos

Do you already use Instagram so much that you are a little tired of having to always use the same formats? You already know what to publish videos, add text or make collages, even not to publish square photos, do you have something to try? There is one more option: why not publish a photo on Instagram accompanied by music ? Like a video but with a static image. We have good news: it can be done. In .com we tell you how to add music to your Instagram photos.

Steps to follow:


To add music to your Instagram photos you will have to download an app in which to prepare the image. Go to your app store and search and install " Flipagram ", available for both iOS and Android.


Then you must open Flipagram and, in the first screen, click on "Start". In the first step you will have to choose where you want to take the photo from. You have several options: social networks, your camera's reel, etc. Choose the right one and, inside, click on the photograph you want to add music to select it. Go to the next page by clicking on the upper right corner.


Several options will now appear. The first one is "Audio", click on it. You can choose the song from among those stored on your device (in My music ) or among those that Flipagram puts at your disposal (in "Search music"). Select the song you want to add music to your Instagram photos .


In the " Speed " section, click on "Instagram". The photo will become a 15-second video with the chosen music. As there is only one image, it will be the static photo with the background music.


Click on "Next" that will appear in the upper right corner of the screen. You will see different apps in which you can share the video, select Instagram .


Instagram will now open with your image / video ready. Add the filters you want, a text and share. You will have published an image with music!