What vaccines do I need to travel to Russia?

Russia, the largest country in the world, bordering Europe and Asia is also the country that borders on more countries: 16 in total! It is a unique place where you can experience endless experiences and enjoy as never before. If you plan to visit the Russian Federation, you should take into account some recommendations, so we explain what vaccines I need to travel to Russia.

Steps to follow:


First of all, it should be noted that there is no legally binding vaccine to enter Russia, although there are some recommendations that you should take into account.


For example, it is advisable to be vaccinated against Central European encephalitis by ticks, especially if traveling to rural and forested areas of Russia. Vaccination is recommended 2 months in advance, since three doses are required intramuscularly, the first two doses are administered at an interval of 4-12 weeks and the third at 9-12 months of the second dose.

The highest risk of being infected by these ticks occurs between spring and early fall. The bites of this animal can cause Lyme disease, as well as encephalitis.


Also, it is good to be vaccinated against Hepatitis (A and B) in case of traveling to Russia, to prevent transmission of this infectious disease.


Other of the most recommended vaccines when traveling to Russia are against diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis and triple viral (measles, mumps and rubella). Check your vaccination card for what vaccines you have or consult your doctor.


In Russia, special attention should be given to influenza and acute respiratory diseases, since the intense cold makes this type of diseases proliferate.


It will also be very important to choose the most appropriate time to travel to Russia, since the cold is very severe in this country, especially during the winter months. In this way, it is recommended to travel between May and September although it will always be essential to travel prepared with appropriate and warm clothes.


It is important to know that it is discouraged to drink tap water in Russia, so you should always carry a bottle of bottled water with you.


On many occasions, health care in Russia leaves a little to be desired, so that in case of need it is recommended to go to private hospitals instead of the Russian public medical centers. Also, insurance and travel policies are highly recommended for traveling to Russia.


In the same way, it will be important that you make a good choice of where you are going to stay in this country. There are numerous hotels in Russia where you can spend a unique stay in the largest country in the world.