What is glamping

We all know what it means to go camping : contact with nature, sleep in a tent inside a sack, do without a bit of the luxuries of our day to day (for luxuries I mean things like a soft surface on which sleep) and get closer to our natural state. But age or spirit often make these experiences are not as good as we would like. There's a solution? Of course: in .com we tell you what glamping is.

Camping + glamor

The word glamping comes from the combination of " glamor " and " camping ", which makes it quite clear what this new trend in tourism is about: camping, yes, but with glamor. That is, take the store to the environment (although there are also other modalities such as cabins or houses in the trees), but this is larger, have beds or mattresses, avoid the entrance of bugs, have electricity ... more luxury and glamor, in general.

Popular among celebrities

Glamping has been around for several years, but it did not start to become popular until the couple formed by Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds opted for this type of camping for their honeymoon. Everyone was surprised that the couple decided to spend those days, until it was known that it was not just any camping: it was the Clayoquot Wilderness Resort, a luxurious glamping place in Canada.

More luxurious ... and more expensive

And, although there is glamping for all tastes and pockets, the truth is that those who really give that feeling of glamor and luxury have prohibitive prices. It is what has to be able to camp like an Indian maharaja in the desert or in a cabin in a forest but with a fireplace, private bathroom and luxury bed. Prices can exceed $ 1, 000 a night.

Also in music festivals

If the only times you've done camping have been at music festivals and you're thinking that maybe you're a little older for that, you have another option before falling into the hotel. Many festivals have also begun to incorporate glamping zones: they provide tents, often with electricity and soft surfaces to sleep on, so you do not have to look for a place or fight to assemble and disassemble it. Everything looks a little better, right?