What activities to do with children in the pool

The good weather brings with it the summer holidays that the youngest of the house crave. Spend an afternoon in the pool can be one of the best plans for a summer day, but with so much free time, it is easy to run out of ideas to entertain them. In we want both children and adults to enjoy fun afternoons in the pool, and that's why we offer you some ideas to play with the children in the pool .

Steps to follow:


If you have no problem getting into the pool, a very entertaining game can be the shark. The adult will be the dreaded shark, who will have to try to catch the children while they run away from him.


Water balloons are always a good call for the little ones. Before filling the water balloon, make a small hole with a pin. When the balloon is full of water and knotted, the little ones can play to pass it around, trying not to empty it or explode in their hands.


For the most competitive, the race or relay game will always work. For the second you can use a flip flop, a pair of glasses or a hat as a witness, that each child must deliver to the next swimmer.


If the children have already learned to dive, another fun game is to hide some object that sinks into the pool. Whoever finds the object before will have won and will be next to hide the object.


Who has never played in the pool to pass between the legs of the rest of their friends? Propose it to your children and you will see how they like it.


Very entertaining can also be the game of talking underwater . You yourself, or one of the children, will say a word or phrase under water and the rest, after listening to it under the water, should guess it. They will burst out laughing when they see all those bubbles coming out of their mouths.


Remember that before and during aquatic activity children should be protected from the sun's rays with a special cream for children. When children are more relaxed and you get them to lie on the towel remember that it is also advisable to put a hat or hat to protect their heads from the sun. We recommend you consult our article where you will find 5 precautions to take care of children in the pool.