Are the most common edible mushrooms in Spain

A very widespread activity in Spain is to collect mushrooms . In the forests of the different Spanish regions we find a great variety of mushrooms, among which there are edible and toxic. It is important to have knowledge and know how to differentiate the different species to avoid possible serious health problems. In this article we show you a selection of the most common edible mushrooms in Spain so that you can know them and know how to recognize them.

Wild mushroom (Agaricus campester)

The wild mushroom is one of the best-known edible mushrooms collected in Spain. This variety presents a hat of white color that tends towards a grayish or pink tone and with a size that varies between the 3 and 12 cm of diameter. Its blades are of a pinkish white color that evolves to a dark brown tone and then to black.

The wild mushroom is a very pleasant taste and smell mushroom that appears from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn in meadows and pastures. As with all Agaricus cosmestible varieties, it is advisable not to collect the mature mushrooms with black sheets to avoid digestion problems.

Oronja (Amanita Caesarea)

There are many who consider this variety as one of the best edible mushrooms in Spain, it is exquisite and can be consumed in various ways. The Oronja is a fairly large hat with a diameter that varies between 8 and 25 cm and an orange color that sometimes tends towards a yellowish tone. Its plates are numerous, wide and pale yellow that evolves to a golden yellow.

This specimen can be found at the beginning of autumn in the middle of the summer season, both in forests of holm oaks and cork oaks and in calcareous lands, under chestnut trees and oaks.

Cosmetible ticket (Boletus Edulis)

The edible ticket, also known popularly as "fungus" or "pumpkin", is a mushroom of excellent consideration by amateurs and professional chefs. The key to its success lies in its exquisite flavor pulling sweetness, texture and consistency. It is characterized by a variable color, of whitish tone when it is young that ends up becoming a brown, brown tone as it ages. In addition, one feature that differentiates it from the rest of the mushrooms is its viscous and moist cuticle, although it is lost with age.

The edible boletus mushroom can be found from late summer to late fall under leafy or coniferous trees.

NĂ­scalo (Lactarius Deliciosus)

The nĂ­scalo is another of the most common edible mushrooms in Spain, either for its good taste and abundance . It is recognizable by its convex, brittle and fleshy hat that can reach up to 15 cm in diameter. It has a reddish orange color and as it ripens some green spots appear. Its lower sheets are orange and quite tight.

This edible variety appears in the fall season and early winter in young pinedas.

Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius)

The chanterelle is also an edible mushroom very common in Spain, it is also easy to recognize by its funnel-shaped hat and its yellowish color . It also has sheets in the form of folds in a yellow color and a dry cuticle that can be easily separated.

It is an excellent mushroom to consume, very fleshy with a fruity flavor and a bitter touch on occasion. The chanterelles can be found in autumn in oak, beech and pine forests.

Black Truffle (Tuber Melanosporum)

The black truffle is an underground mushroom of black-brown color and warty surface that is much appreciated for its great culinary value . It is an excellent edible variety that is collected with the help of dogs trained to locate them and that grows in areas of limestone in the roots of trees such as oaks, gall oaks and hazel trees.

In order for the black truffle to come to fruition, the July and August rains are strictly necessary; the harvest of this mushroom takes place from the beginning of December until the month of March.