How to be a trekking guide

Do you like nature, sports and the outdoors? Have you thought about converting this passion into your future profession? If you want to be a professional in the high mountains, and share your enthusiasm for the environment with other nature lovers, do not miss our recommendations. In we want to help you take the final step, and that's why we explain how to be a trekking guide . The adventure begins!

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should keep in mind to be a mountain guide and trekking guide is that you will need specific training . In this sense, remember that you can choose from a wide variety of courses, academic offers and educational centers, where they will prepare you to overcome this challenge. Consult opinions of former students, find out about the teaching staff that teaches the classes, and make sure it is an official training.


Now, what exactly does a trekking guide do ? This professional must choose the route, the activity and the most appropriate technical equipment, taking into account the physical condition, age and the needs of the participants.


This expert of the mountain must know nature very well and also has to know how to develop in it. No matter what terrain you are in, nor the atmospheric conditions you have to endure. This professional must be prepared, know the area of ​​the excursion, the flora and also the fauna.


The trekking guide can work both on their own, as for a tourism or adventure company. In certain countries and during the summer season, this professional will be in great demand.


In addition, to be a mountain guide you must be in good physical shape and you must have very good knowledge in first aid. But also on hiking tours, routes, equipment and everything related to safety.


The trekking guide should also be affiliated with an official association in your country. In Spain, for example, you have the Spanish Association of Mountain Guides (AEGM). This type of entities are trusted and internationally recognized, so through them you can access a wide network of courses related to this sector, as well as professionals and companies that offer employment.


High mountain sport, certified in hiking, sports technician in mountain ... Do not forget that the academic offer in this sector, to be an expert in trekking and nature, is incredibly wide. You can choose from intermediate or higher level training courses to specialized courses, or university degrees such as sports science.


What other aspects do you think are important and should we consider, before being a trekking guide ? Do not forget to comment on our article to help all nature lovers, whose habitat is the mountain.