How to organize a gymkhana for adults

Gymkhana is one of the funniest ways to do group activities. Ideal for business meetings or simply to spend a unique time among friends, the gymkhana take the competition to its maximum expression, mixing agility, dexterity and good humor in various tests that can range from the simplest to more complex challenges. Do you want to plan a competition of this type? Then in .com we explain how to organize a gymkhana for adults and make everyone enjoy it to the fullest.

Steps to follow:


Gymkhanas are activities that require a large number of participants to be really fun, so it is recommended to have at least 20 people to carry out this activity. If the number is greater than 20 much better, the recommended maximum is 100 participants.


Since it is an activity that requires a lot of space, it is recommended to carry it out in an outdoor place where you can perform all the tests that you want to carry out with total comfort. The tests must be chosen in part taking into account the space in which the event will take place.

Participants should be divided into groups with the same number of members, and choose who will be the leader of the same.


To organize a gymkhana for adults successfully, it is important to have a jury that constantly assess the performance of participants and groups and, finally, announce the winners. Therefore, it is recommended to establish who will be responsible for this task before carrying out the competition, taking into account that the larger the number of participants, the larger the jury must be, since a judge is required for each team.


The good thing about gymkhanas is that the number of tests and their difficulty can vary according to the organizers and the space available. However, it is convenient to take into account some suggestions at the time of planning:

  • You must establish the time that the competition will last, an hour, hour and a half, etc. The participants must pass all the tests in that period.
  • Each passed test has a score, the team that manages to pass all the tests in the shortest time possible will be the one that wins. But if no team manages to reach the goal, it will win the one with the most points until the gymkhana ends.
  • It is convenient that the tests have different scores according to the difficulty, so the participants will feel really rewarded when they overcome a difficult test.
  • The jury of each team is responsible for counting the points, so it is convenient to be someone impartial.
  • The group or participants who cheat or sabotage their competitors will be eliminated automatically, so the jury must also pay attention to these details.


To make the gymkhana for adults really fun, think about activities that everyone can carry out, because the final goal is that all the participants have a good time. Create a gymkhana with tests of agility, dexterity, knowledge, skill, observation, costumes, etc., that involve all participants equally.

In each test there must be as many challenges as there are groups involved and they must always be with the same degree of difficulty. For example, if a test is intended to assess knowledge about history, each group must face a question of the same level, so all will have the same equality of conditions.


Think of activities that everyone can carry out, since the ultimate goal is for all participants to have fun.


At the end of the gymkhana there must be a prize for the winners of the first place and another for those who came second. If you have a budget you can also give a consolation prize to all the participants.


Remember that in a gymkhana for adults the goal is to have fun, so choose entertaining tests that make others let out a laugh and have a great time.