How to play domino

Domino is a very popular board game and its rules for playing are very easy. It is a game in which rectangular tiles are used, usually white on the face and black on the reverse, divided into two squares, each of which is marked from zero to six points. The complete set of cards consists of 28 pieces, each of which represents a pair of possible values. The domino can be considered as an extension of the dice, although its origin is supposed to be oriental and very ancient it does not seem that the current form was known in Europe until the mid-eighteenth century, when it was introduced by the Italians. If you want to know the details of its rules, in .com we explain how to play dominoes .

You will need to:
  • Domino
  • Pencils
  • Board card
  • Chairs
  • Score pads
Steps to follow:


To begin, count that there are 28 dominoes, from double white to double six. It is important that all the chips are complete in order to play properly. This game requires a minimum of 2 players and a maximum of 4 .


Place the dominoes face down on the table and mix with your hands to make sure they are well distributed.


Allow your opponent to take seven dominoes, and take seven for yourself. The rest leave them on the table.


To start playing dominoes, the first player that leaves is the one with the highest double, starting from 6/6 and down.


Place a chip of similar value next to the first domino tile (it does not matter where they finish). Make sure the values ​​always touch each other.


Pick up the pile of chips left over if you do not have a domino that corresponds to those in the layout. Keep the dominoes hidden from your opponent (s), this will be essential so that they do not discover your game.


Pass if there are no more dominoes remaining in the pile and the next player's turn.


You win the game if you are the first person who runs out of dominoes.


End of the game if everyone passes, in which case the winner is the person with the lowest score.


Count your score according to the number of points in the boxes that you have in hand.


End of the game if someone reaches 50 points in a match with two players or 100 points with three or more players. The lowest wins.

  • If you are playing with three or four players, each player must have five dominoes.
  • If more than two are playing, the game rotates clockwise.
  • If there is no double, any player determines who will go first, the domino of the highest value is counted.
  • Keep the largest assortment of different numbers in your hand as long as possible. If you have an option to play 5-4 or 5-3 in an open 5, you must choose depending on whether or not you have 4s or 3s in your hand.
  • If you put a double, then the design forms a T and the game can continue from any of the exposed ends.