How to make a home traffic light

This manual to make a traffic light can serve you for different things for example if you are doing a circuit. The truth is that it is not very difficult, the level is ideal for small children. In addition, the necessary material to make the traffic light is sure you have everything for home since everything is very accessible. If you want to know how it is done look at the following article, how to make a traffic light.

You will need to:
  • A small box of shoes
  • A cardboard cylinder of aluminum foil or similar
  • White cardboard
  • Green Tempera
  • Pinocchio paper or green wrapping paper
  • Scissors and hot silicone
  • Glue
Steps to follow:


To begin with, you have to copy the figures of the semaphore on white card . You have to be at least two drawings. A man walking (green) and another man standing (red). If you want you can make more than one traffic light depends on how the circuit is.


Next, paint the cardboard cylinder with green tempera. The cardboard cylinder can be three of the hooked toilet roll or one and a half or two of the kitchen towel. As you prefer.


Then line the boxes with green pinecone paper or green wrapping paper, freeing one of the small sides of the box.


After you have to paint the figures with waxes (red and green) the rectangles are cut out. Then paste each figure on opposite sides of the box.


Finally stick the cylinder in the face that has been free with hot silicone. Instead of the shoe box you can use 5 or 6 cm thick white cork that you cut with a cutter and then paint with green tempera.