How to make a moving doll

Everyone as a child has played with dolls. Here we teach you to do them yourself which is also a way to play and have fun. You can make more than one with different colors, faces ... You can be as original as you want. You have to move the doll up and down so that the arms rotate. When they stop doing it, shake it again. Look at the following article, how to make a doll that moves.

You will need to:
  • 2 plastic or yogurt containers
  • A piece of cardboard and cardboard
  • 4 used matches
  • 2 long needles
  • Table salt and not very thick paper
  • A drinking straw
  • Glue and adhesive tape
  • Needle and thread
  • A pencil and scissors
Steps to follow:


First of all draw four circles on the cardboard using the top of a plastic container as a guide . Cut out the circles.


Then cut a round hole in two of the cardboard circles, near one of the edges. Look at the drawing.


Glue a circle of cardboard with holes to the top of the plastic or yogurt container . Also do the same with the other container. Put a lot of glue so they are very safe.


Fold the third cardboard circle in half. Cut along the fold. Glue a match on each side of a half circle (a). Stick the remaining two matches on either side of the other half circle. Now glue the two semi-circles with the matches, one on each side of the fourth circle you have left (b).


Next, insert a needle into each end of the matches . Slide a short piece of straw on each of the needles at the ends


Roll a piece of cardboard to the top of the plastic container making sure it is tight. Attach it with adhesive tape to form a tube . Hold the tube tightly to the container.


Put a right tube and make two slits or cuts up the middle of the tube from top to bottom, on both sides (a). Make a hole at the end of each slit or cut. Put the cardboard circles inside the tube, taking care that the needles enter or pass through the slits (b). Turn the circles to make sure they run well. If you kiss not, cut them a little.


Put some salt inside the tube. Encha enough to fill the yogurt or plastic container, home to the edge.


Put the upper end of the other container through the top of the cardboard tube . Put a lot of adhesive tape on the end of the tube so that it is firmly attached to the container.


Then cut out the silhouette of two long arms on not very thick paper . Cut them by the elbows. Cut out fingers and thumbs. To join the arms and fingers use needle and thread . Observe the drawing.


Finally, insert the upper ends of the arms into the needles on both sides of the tube . Put one arm up and one down. Use glue to attach them to the needles.