How to make a cash register to play

Every girl from small to player to have a store and the best of the game is the cash register . Here we teach you to do it yourself and you can play as many times as you want. In addition this cash register has surprise. Put money in the box and wait for the signal to appear. Turn the dial to find out how much money you have. Look at the following article, how to make a cash register.

You will need to:
  • A tall and not very thick box or a small package of cereals
  • A box of matches
  • 3 used matches
  • A piece of thin cardboard
  • A piece of paper and scissors
  • A hairpin
  • 2 small buttons
  • Glue and adhesive tape
Steps to follow:


Cut out three small circles of thin cardboard. Make five divisions side by side in each one. Write in each section a number from 0 to 9. Do this in all circles (a). Drill a hole in the center of each circle, at the point where all the lines intersect. Put one match for each hole (b). Paste the matches to the circles.


Glue the top edge of the box with glue. Cut out three sides of the box to make the door as in the image.


Open the door of the box and cut out three windows in the front, near the roof of the box. Make a hole under each window.


Then enter the matches through the circles, taking advantage of the holes in the box, from inside. Look carefully at the box from the outside and make the larger windows to see the numbers well.


Cut a strip of cardboard slightly longer than the box . Drill three holes in it and nail the matches through. Glue the cardboard strip with glue to both sides of the box.


Hold the lid of the matchbox against one side of the box and mark the outline. Crop by the brands. Insert the lid through the opening halfway. Give it a small tilt down and stick it to the box.


Then cut the two corners of the inside of the matchbox. Fold the end down. Put adhesive tape to hold the corners, as you see in the drawing.


Cut a piece of paper slightly larger than the tray of the matchbox. Write "thank you very much" on it. Glue it to a piece of cardboard of the same size (a). Glue a corner of the cardboard to a corner of the matchbox tray, as in the drawing. Make holes in both. Straighten a fork and pass it through the holes (b)


Put one button on each side of the fork . Make a hole in the box and put the fork in it, making sure that the tray of the match box falls just below the lid.


Keep the tray down and draw a line around the "thank you" sign on the inside of the box. Cut out a smaller window than the lines mark.


To finish, close the door of the box and insert the fork through bending it down. Fold the fork down also on the front of the box. Stick the door with adhesive tape.