How to make slime with detergent without borax

Surely you have seen many children playing with the famous slime, one of the most popular toys among children. It is a soft and viscous mass that children can model at will for hours, which gives the slime the appearance of a "colored mucus".

Although you can get the slime in any toy store, there are different ways to make it at home with usual ingredients that will not cost you to find inside your cupboards and drawers. In addition to having a good time with your children or your friends, if you decide to make slime at home you will save money and prevent children from coming into contact with toxic substances. Do you want to discover how to make slime with detergent and without borax ? Do not miss the article that we bring you next!

How to make slime with glue and detergent: ingredients

Before starting to tell you, step by step, how to make slime with glue, detergent and without borax, we present a list of the ingredients that you will need. To achieve a perfect homemade slime with detergent, the ideal is that you do not miss any of these products :

  • White glue
  • Detergent for washing machine
  • Color to your liking
  • Spoon
  • Rubber gloves
  • Plastic container with airtight seal
  • Water

The quantities of ingredients you will need will depend on the amount of slime you want to make. However, keep in mind that you will need the same amount of detergent as white glue, while in the case of water and dye, it will depend on the density and color you want to get for your homemade slime with detergent.

Precautions before making slime with detergent

Before making slime with detergent, you must bear in mind that it is a toy that should always be used under the supervision of an adult . Although the slime that we will help you to elaborate next does not contain borax (a highly toxic product), it still contains detergent and glue, so you must ensure that no child ingests the toy.

We also recommend that you choose a space properly conditioned to make a homemade slime, since it is a process that can stain furniture and fabrics. From, we advise you to prepare a table of clear plastic that facilitates the process of preparation and that you have at hand the kitchen paper at all times.

How to make slime with detergent

To make a slime with detergent and without borax you must follow the steps that we indicate below:

  1. The first thing you should do is pour the white glue into the chosen plastic container and add the coloring. Mix the products well with the spoon until you get a completely homogenous mass and free of lumps.
  2. Once you have obtained the homogeneous mass, add the detergent very slowly and then add a little water to the mixture. Continue stirring until the homogeneous mass is recovered.
  3. Keep adding the rest of the detergent and do not stop stirring, as this will prevent lumps from forming. It is very important to always remove in the same direction to avoid that the mixture is cut and the slime is damaged.
  4. In case the mixture has acquired excessive density, you can add a little more water to the container. Always do it slowly to prevent the mixture from becoming too liquid.
  5. Once the dough is homogeneous and has a considerable size, manually knead the dough with the help of the gloves so that the result is more dense.

If you want, you can take the slime out of the plastic container and knead it directly on the table to see how its appearance begins to form. If it were necessary to expand its density, you could add more white glue, while if the result is too dense, you could add a little more water with great care.

How to keep the slime correctly

Once you have the slime ready, you must keep it in a hermetically sealed place to prevent it from solidifying and becoming hard. In this sense, the best option is to put it in a plastic container with lid and hermetic seal; plastic tuppers, for example, are a great option.

In this way, the slime will not lose water and can be kept ready to play for longer. Also, if at some point you want to make the toy more liquid because it has lost water, you can add a little more liquid to the container and let the mass absorb it. You can do this even days after its preparation.

How to make slime without tail

While it is true that to make this homemade slime we have avoided the use of borax, a highly toxic product, you may prefer to create a slime with softer and less aggressive products . One of the best options you have is to make a slime with hand soap; all you have to do is replace the detergent with the soap you prefer, you can even bet on an eco-friendly one.

If what you want is to do a slime without glue and without borax, you also have several options. Although the best way to achieve a consistent and durable slime is to add one of the ingredients mentioned above (detergent, borax and glue), you can also make slime with only two ingredients : cornstarch and oil. Mix these two ingredients well until a homogeneous mass begins to form and, finally, add the dye you prefer.