How to make the jumping frog game

To play the jumping frog, at least two people are required. It is a frog race, so each player will need a cardboard frog . The frog exits at one end of the rope and jumps to the other. The finish line may be a mark on the ground or puddles made of cardboard, for the frog to jump inside. See the following article on how to make the jumping frog game.

You will need to:
  • Thick cardboard
  • A piece of string about 2 m long for each player
  • Tracing paper
  • Pencil, scissors and paint
  • Thin cardboard for puddles
Steps to follow:


Draw the model of this frog on tracing paper (a). Turn the paper over and blot the outline from behind (b). Put it to the right and placing it on the cardboard, draw the final model (c).


Cut out the silhouette of the frog . Paint it a bright and viscous color with very large eyes and mouth. Make a hole in the part of the body where the mark is and pass the rope through there.


How to play : Tie one end of each string to the leg of a chair, so that the frog is in the center with the feet touching the ground. Place a puddle or cardboard pond at the other end of each string. Each player must hold the end of his rope and have to move it up and down so that the frog advances by jumping through it. The first frog to reach its puddle or the finish line will be the winner.