What is the importance of a company's policies

The company must not only be responsible for selling, but must create a brand image and the company itself, in such a way that it is positive and easily identifiable by any consumer or worker. In order to take care of your perception from the outside, it is essential that the company create strict guidelines on its form of business management, or in other words, that it has business policies recognized by all. In this article of .com we will explain to you what is the importance of the policies of a company.

Photo source: luismiguelmanene.com

Steps to follow:


The company policies are all those guidelines to which the company decides to accept, so that these directives and ideas are those that motivate the general rules of action of the company, thus determining the values ​​that it has.

In this way, the policies of any company are usually collected in writing, so that they are at the hand of all those groups to which they are addressed, usually customers, suppliers, shareholders and workers.


Establish these policies helps us know what direction to take in case there is any conflict with any of the agents around us, so it will allow us to be fair if we always apply a decision under the same methods.


In addition, within the importance of business policies highlights the fact that they allow us to create a brand image, thanks to which everyone can know what our values ​​and our way of acting, as they know what company is talking.

This generates a word of mouth that can be very positive or negative, depending on the impression we have generated. For example, it could be that we are a good company in customer service but bad in the quality of our products, and vice versa with our competition.


Another important factor of business policies is that they allow us to define broad objectives about what type of company we want to become. By this we mean, if for example we decide to focus on policies of respect for the environment, employee benefits or customer-centered.


It is essential that policies are coherent between what is said and what is done, since otherwise the company loses credibility and generates distrust towards the rest of society.

By this we mean that, if for example among its policies it takes as an important part the protection of the environment, carry out actions to protect it and not some that may deteriorate it.


Finally, we must bear in mind that to facilitate the preparation and collection of such policies, the company can produce manuals where they can be available to everyone, such as:

  • Policy manual
  • Manual for employees
  • Procedures manual
  • Financial manual