How to prepare a job interview

Did they call you to do a job interview ? Before the big day arrives, it is highly recommended that you prepare it well so that you can increase your chances of being caught and that you start a new job . There are some basic aspects that will make your image as a professional is comforted if you go to the interview with the duties (proposals, questions, ideas, etc.) and, therefore, in this article we will help you know how to prepare an interview of work and that you can get the most responsible and expert part of yourself. Next we are going to give you a list of different aspects that you have to evaluate before the appointment arrives. Ready?

Steps to follow:


Going to a job interview without having previously consulted what it is and how it works is a mistake that, in addition, gives an image of you as pasotism and disinterest. Therefore, it is important that before going to the appointment you inquire about the company, check its website (if you have one) or put your name on Google to detect if there are media outlets that talk about them. It is important that you know what the company is doing, what sectors it attacks and how it works so that you can show that you are interested in being part of it and that you are interested.


To prepare a job interview it is also important that you think about your qualities, your knowledge and your experience because they will ask you about them. Also think about the position they are offering you and what you could contribute so that the work would come out correctly; also if you have any proposal, idea or any suggestion about it, it is also very positive that you are exposed to prove that you are a proactive person. Yes, do not go raving about the way you work, just give a suggestion or make a comment that shows your knowledge in that area and, thus, you will be highlighting the importance of your knowledge.

In the same way it is also important that you think about your professional perspectives, that is, what do you expect from the new job, what do you think you will be able to contribute to the company, etcetera. To give a professional image of yourself it is also essential that the CV you present is adapted to the position you are going to choose, that is, if you were a waiter 3 years ago but now they are going to interview you for an administration position, remove it from your CV it will not contribute anything and, what's more, it can even give an image of instability.


Even if you have sent the CV by mail or through an employment website, it is important that you also have it printed on the day of the interview, so we recommend that you review it, update it and adapt it to the position you want to opt for. You can add a section of "Interests" where you highlight your experience or your interest in that particular sector, as well as if you have done a specific course in that area.

The photograph that you add in the curriculum is also essential to give a good image of yourself, therefore, choose one that is current, that is with a white background (nothing of a photo of you on the beach) and that is a card format, that is, from the shoulders up in the foreground. In this article we tell you how to make a good curriculum vitae.


It is also advisable that, before going to the interview, think about those questions that selectors usually ask potential candidates to assess whether they adapt or not to what the company is looking for. Even if you have never met in that company, you should know that there are some questions that are always asked, such as, what interests you in the job, the salary you expect, team work, etc; In we show you the 7 key questions of job interviews that you almost always do.

Practicing the answers to the most committed questions is a perfect tactic that will help you to know how to get out of this situation. In addition it is also advisable that you opt for some brief and concise explanations so as not to stretch out too much with your narrative or to leave by the branches. Rehearse these questions with your partner or friends before, so, go more safely to this appointment.


In almost all interviews you will be asked about your weaknesses, it is a way of observing how you self-criticize yourself and how to overcome obstacles. It is clear that you must be cautious when answering this and, above all, not throwing stones on your roof, saying that you are messy if you are going to work with important paperwork is totally counterproductive as well as saying that you are unpunctual and you want to work in a transport company, for example.

Think in detail which defects can be "less bad" for the position and, thus, you will be able to be sincere but without it harming you. Avoid saying that you are very perfectionist because this trick is more than seen by recruiters; Do not flatter yourself indirectly but be sincere but with great caution . In we tell you how to talk about your shortcomings in a job interview so you can face this question without any problem.


Like it or not, the first impression is still very important in our lives and, above all, in the professional field. Going with a disheveled appearance or dressed too casual can give an image of you unprofessional but, in the background, little has to do with one thing with the other. But we must accept social conventions and this is one of them.

So get ready, go freshly showered, put on a little cologne and wear a neutral and formal clothes, that is, not too flashy and discreet, it will be your best business card. If you can, it never hurts to find out how the workers of the company dress to be able to adapt to them and avoid going too fixed or, on the contrary, going too informal. In we give you some tips about how to dress for a job interview.