How to train a puppy

Training a puppy is a constant task and for which you must have a lot of patience, however, if you start doing it from the beginning you will get your dog to adopt some habits and an education that will later be very useful for you to have a perfect relationship with your pet. In we tell you some basic tricks that will help you to know how to train a puppy in the most basic orders: sit down, do not ask for food, do not pull on the leash, and so on.

Steps to follow:


Teach him not to pee at home. One of the main problems that puppies have is that it is hard for them to resist the urge to go to the bathroom and many times our house can become the stage for their needs. To avoid this, it is important that you educate your puppy with a few simple steps and that you pay special attention to your dog during its first months of life.

You must bear in mind that the digestive system of a puppy is very fast and that, after eating, it takes 5 to 30 minutes to defecate, so it is important that you control when you eat. The first days, a puppy will not be able to go out on the street so you must adapt an area of ​​the house to do your needs: place a newspaper, a box with sand, and so on. Accompany your dog every day to this corner of the house to get used to that space.

When you can go out into the street, it is important that at the beginning you always follow the same route and that you stop at a specific place so that he understands that this is where he has to defecate. Above all do not get nervous as they detect a lot of your energy; It is important that you do not yell at him or that you get nervous if he gets away before he gets to his place. Keep in mind that he is a puppy and that only with patience and perseverance will he learn the concepts.

In order to train a puppy it is important that you follow the same routine every day: take it out at the same time, take it to the same place and reward it whenever you do it right. Positive reinforcements are one of the best ways to train a dog from the start.


Teach that your dog does not ask for food . From very little you can get used to that your dog does not ask for food while you are eating; to achieve this, you only have to take into account one principle: do not give him food no matter how much he asks for. It is a basic principle but it is often difficult to comply, especially if you live with more people at home.

You must think that, for dogs, when they are "rewarded" it is because they are carrying out a positive behavior so if you give them a piece of food when they ask, they will understand that they are doing well and they will do it every time You feel at the table. So all you have to do is give him nothing to eat and tell all the family members not to do it. Only then will you get your can not ask for food.

In this article we tell you in more detail how to make your dog do not ask for food while you are eating.


Teach that your dog does not pull on the leash . The puppies are nervous and whenever they go out they want to run and have fun but you must educate them not to pull the leash and establish the authority roles during the ride. To achieve this, the first thing you should do is let your pet become familiar with the leash, for this you only have to show it inside the house, let it play with it and smell it; so, when you put it on the outside it will recognize it as yours.

Then you must go out to the street with your dog and have prizes in your pockets. To train a puppy for this purpose you must have a lot of patience because, as we have said, the tendency is for smaller dogs to want to run and jump. The trick is to stand beside the dog and, each time he gets ahead, you should stand up and pull gently on the leash with a clear "No", "Here", and so on order . Monosyllables are the sounds that best detect dogs so it is recommended that you choose one in particular to give this message to your pet.

When your dog returns to your side you will be able to resume the walk and, in the event that you come back forward, you will have to repeat the same process: stand up, pull on the leash and wait for it to come to your side. When you get your dog for a while by your side is the time to give the prize you carry with you, in this way will associate that this is what you were asking when you addressed him.

In we give you more details about how to teach your dog not to pull the leash.


Make your dog feel . Getting your dog to follow the order to sit is also important to train your dog and, in the future, heed what you say. To achieve this you will also need a monosyllabic and concrete word for this purpose, there are people who use the order "Sit", "Floor" or similar things, choose the one you like and remember that you should always use it.

To get your puppy feels you must show a prize you have in your hand and bring it to the snout so you can smell it. Afterwards, you should raise the prize upwards, over your head and, because he will be looking at it, you should sit down so you can keep your eyes on the candy. When you see that he is beginning to sit down it is important that you say at that moment the word you have chosen so that he associates that movement with the word; when you are sitting, give him the prize as positive reinforcement.

Your dog may not finish sitting on the floor, so you should press your butt yourself to tell him what you want him to do. When he gets it, give him the prize so he can finish assimilating it. In this article we tell you more in detail how to teach your dog feels.


Teach that your dog does not jump on you . Normally, dogs get so happy when you get home or when new people arrive who jump on them; This action can be fun when you are a puppy but, later, it can be very annoying, so it is important that you teach it from the beginning that you should not do it.

To achieve this, we will have to cut the dog's action every time he does so by grabbing his legs and lowering them to the ground with a forceful "No" so that he understands that this gesture should not be done. Little by little you will understand your message and will not celebrate your arrival in that effusive way.


Educate your puppy so that it does not cry when you leave . When they are small, the dogs can be crying a lot in the house every time you leave, something that is very annoying for the neighbors because their crying can last hours. To prevent your dog from crying, just pretend to leave home : say goodbye as you always do, close the door and stay behind waiting for your dog to cry; When he does, he enters the house and tells him repeatedly not to. You must show an attitude of disgust with him so that he understands that he should not do that anymore.

You should repeat this process several times until you see that it does not howl every time you leave. With this act you will understand that your crying only provokes your anger, so you will stop doing it progressively to end up being quiet at home when you leave.