How to improve my productivity at work

If you love your work but, lately, take twice as long to perform a function or you can not concentrate, surely you need some tips to improve your productivity and get to be at the same level you were before, right?

Read carefully and learn to increase your performance considerably.

Get organized

A few minutes before starting your workday, take a sheet and paper and organize your hours at work with a list of tasks.

Establish priority between the activities to make you run faster and those that, easily, you could leave for tomorrow.

Set an hour to relax

If you are a regular on social networks or you go several times to your email to see if something new, set a time to do so and deactivates notifications of TweetDeck and Facebook.

Think about it: surely the change has not been scandalous since the last time you visited them and you can always go to your e-mail every 30 minutes.

Take away distractions

Try to keep close to the computer all those essential elements that will not steal even a second of your time working ; The main distraction to keep away or off is the mobile phone: we are sure that what they have to say to you on WhatsApp is not so important as not to call you at the office phone, right?

Create your own environment

If you are confusing yourself with the minimum noise, there is something that works excellently well; download Spotify, create a playlist of music that encourages you to relax or motivate you to work, put on some good headphones and keep in your bubble the time it takes while you perform your functions . It is a wonder!

Make a calendar

The lists help to classify all the activities you have to do; however, you may need to know when the term ends to hand in a job to get seriously involved with it. To do this, buy a calendar or download one on the Internet and write on it (using colors that draw attention) each deadline of your functions. Improve your productivity !