How to make a reverse chronological resume

The inverse chronological curriculum vitae (CV) is less traditional, this presentation becomes more popular every day. It consists of starting with the most recent data, therefore it has the advantage of highlighting your most recent experiences that are obviously the ones that interest the most susceptible people to hire you. Therefore it allows you to highlight your most recent experience, which is advisable if it is related to the company to which you have sent your curriculum vitae.

You will need to:
  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Internet
Steps to follow:


A reverse chronological curriculum vitae you have to start by putting your personal information, your profession, years of experience and a photo tulla. Your photo should be appropriate, since it will be the first image that the reader has of you and you have to be presentable.


Then you will put your academic training, putting before the most recent and then the oldest For example, the first will be your university education and then where you did your school training.


Now you have to put the complementary training, such as a master's degree done after finishing your university career or any other type of complementary training.


At this point of the reverse chronological curriculum, you have to put your pre-professional or professional training. In this section you put your last jobs, also from the most recent to the oldest. This is recommended if the job to which you send your CV is related to the last company in which you were.


To finish the CV, you will put other data that may be of interest to companies, such as the languages ​​you know indicating the level you have, your computer skills, your time availability, willingness to travel, interests, etc.

  • It uses a clear and sufficiently large letter, for example Arial or verdana format letter to realize a good curriculum vitae.
  • To format your CV use separator lines between each of the sections.
  • Write in the first person of the singular.