How to make a good curriculum vitae

You may find yourself unemployed or aspiring to a more suitable job. Be that as it may, you must have the help of a good curriculum vitae and from here we will give you the guidelines to obtain it.

The curriculum is your cover letter and you must take care of every detail. It is very important that you catch the attention of your interviewers and that it is attractive to the naked eye. Do you want to know how to do it? Then do not miss this article about how to make a good resume . Take note!

How to make a perfect résumé

We all want our curriculum to be perfect to stand out among the other candidates. But what exactly should curriculum vitae contain? And, above all, how should we show this information?

The photograph

The first thing is to choose a good photograph. It's not worth anything. It is very important that you look good on your face and that you smile or at least go out with a friendly attitude. You should discard all those accessories that cover you such as a hat or sunglasses. Avoid the shadows, the photo must have good lighting.

Personal information

Right after the photo, the personal data comes:

  • Name and surname
  • Date and place of birth
  • ID
  • Address
  • Phone
  • Email

Sometimes, people do not notice this basic information and forget some important detail or write it wrong. As for the email address, avoid accounts that you use with friends. The most successful thing is that it contains your first and last name.

In addition, along with personal data, it would be a good idea to add a link to your social networks or your professional website . There are certain professions as a journalist or publicist in which its existence is very important. Likewise, a brief title that can define you as a professional, with simple keywords such as "freelance copywriter, SEO specialist and content marketing".

Work experience

It is preferable to include work experience before training because companies value this section more. You have to do it in chronological order and provide relevant information to the position to which you present yourself. In this section you must specify the name of the company, the position, the time you were and the functions performed during it.


Now comes the "Training" section. It is important to add the latest studies and where they were carried out. If you are a graduate or graduate, you do not need to put the previous ones, as it is understood. It also adds all kinds of courses and other studies related to the job offer.

Languages ​​and others

Finally, it adds everything related to languages, office skills and other skills, hobbies and interests. A good idea is to use graphic or visual elements to take maximum care of your presentation and that can be seen at a glance.

Finally, remember that you do not need to send attachments . It is only convenient to send them if the company in question requests them. Keep in mind that it is too much documentation, from academic records to titles, practices, etc., and, in a first contact, companies just want to handle the essential.

How to make a résumé without experience

The most complicated thing when writing a CV is to do it without having ever worked, that is, without having any kind of experience in the field of work. If so, we may have many questions, such as what to put in the work experience section.

If this is your case, we advise you to think first if you have not really done any work, even if it was helping a friend with a task or something done on your own. There may be something that you are not giving importance and that is key to fill your resume.

On the other hand, in these cases, it is essential to create a cover letter, where you must explain to the company in which you are interested why you want to be part of your team. Here you must sell yourself as well as you can. Highlight all your qualities and say why you are what they need. Do not be afraid of not having work experience. Sometimes, attitude is everything.

Where can I do a free resume?

Today, there are multiple templates for curriculum vitae, ie, web pages and / or downloadable templates where you just have to fill in the information with your information and, thus, get a perfect and visually very attractive curriculum.

Among the various options that we find on the Internet, CVWizard stands out, a web where we can find multiple templates to create résumés . Depending on your taste and your professional vocation (if you want to work in marketing or fashion, for example, it is logical that you are interested in a more striking design) you can find the template that best suits you.

Advice when writing your CV

Finally, we give you a series of tips so that the writing of your curriculum vitae is impeccable:

  • It uses a simple format: with a structure of four differentiated parts. It is important that between section and section there is a separating line. Also, use a letter that is relatively large and clear, as is the case of the Arial or Times New Roman.
  • Write it in the first person of the singular : forget about the third person, it is preferable to obtain a more direct communication with the interlocutor.
  • Use a good paper : preferably DIN A4. Discard the sheets of poor quality or those that carry some color and avoid photocopies.
  • Be clear and direct : it is very important to be concise and brief. For this, it uses short phrases and provides data in a schematic way. It is essential that the person who reads it can do it in a few seconds, in fact, the personnel managers usually take that time to decide.
  • Use a simple language : in no way use technicalities or a language too bombastic. Do not be so farfetched, simple and simple language will suffice.
  • Maximum one page : the ideal is that the curriculum has an adequate extension, that is, that everything is on one page. If you have a lot of experience, you should increase your synthesis work.
  • Do not repeat the same information : either in the same section or in several. The space to be used is very important and must be used for other purposes.
  • Do not make mistakes in spelling : it is obvious to take maximum care of grammar and spelling. If we express ourselves poorly or with difficulty, the impression caused can be disastrous and says very little in favor of the interviewee. The curriculum must be legible and not damage the image of its author.
  • Once drafted, review it : in fact, it's something you should do every time you introduce yourself to a new job offer. It is convenient to have several versions of the curriculum to highlight some or other functions depending on the type of work and its requirements.

Now that you know how to make a good resume, you may also be interested in this other article on How to find work on the Internet.