How to do a job interview on Skype

New technologies make life easier for us every day. Things that were previously unthinkable are now possible, for example to conduct a job interview through the internet. Tools like Skype allow us to keep a video conference with other people in the other side of the world. Of course, before embarking on the adventure, you need to know how to do a job interview on Skype, because the truth is that even if the format is more like walking around the house, it is still a formal interview.

Steps to follow:


The most important thing is to have a good internet connection . It will not say much on our part that in the middle of the interview we run out of images or without audio. At this point, to do a Skype job interview, it is also important to know the tool in question, as well as review our profile, our username, our photo and our status. It is important to avoid giving too informal and personal information, so it may be better to open an account exclusively for work purposes.


Before we start our Skype interview, let's review our connection, audio and video . We can perform some tests to verify that our image will be seen and we will be heard loud and clear.


If in a physical interview the attire is important, doing a Skype job interview does not exempt us from reviewing this point. It is important to go well combed and make-up. Without using too strong colors or too flashy prints. In addition, it is also interesting to practice the pose in front of the camera. Let's try to be sure of ourselves, straight, with a strong and trusting attitude.


At this point it is necessary to realize that non-verbal communication can be decisive in an interview through Skype. Our interviewer will not have many more references than the image you see on the screen, therefore, you have to take care of it to the fullest.


Illuminate the room in which you are located well. Do image tests with light and background. Try that the latter is not too flashy, could distract. It will be better to conduct the interview with a neutral background as a smooth background wall. If this is not possible, try to make the place as orderly as possible, which shows a certain neatness.


Finally, if you are interested in improving in the Skype job interviews, you can record it to later see what your faults and successes are.