How to prepare before the job interview

If you have been called to arrange a job interview, you should know that the main rule is to be natural. Although you should also know that everyone performs a prior preparation before attending the interview . From .com we want to help you in the search for a job, that is why we want to give you a few keys on How to prepare before the job interview .

You will need to:
  • paper and pencil to go scoring
Steps to follow:


Before going to a job interview it is important that you report well on the company and on the job you choose. The question of why you are interested in your company or that position is the one that will fall on you. Try to save it with a little left hand and without over praising the virtues of the company, since the excess of flattery does not usually like the interviewers and generate a climate of distrust.


It would be good if you practiced these questions and their possible answers a lot. This will help you internalize and you will lose the fear and excessive insecurity, which can make you fall into silly mistakes or involuntary contradictions. If you can and have several interviews in sight, specify dates first for those that least interest you, in this way you can practice and go more calm to those that really are your goal.


Visualize yourself during the job interview . Take an active attitude to be attentive to the interviewer. Put on a paper the questions that should solve you in the job interview: about the position, the functions, the company ... All the areas that you consider appropriate. If during the interview, the recruiter leaves any, you will have it in your memory so that it can be resolved.


In the interview, time is money, that's why it's good to prepare the topics that you are going to talk about during a prudential time. Within your training, experience and attitudes or hobbies, you value what is most interesting for that job and turn all the arguments around it. Being short does not mean that you respond with monosyllables.


That is why it is important that before the interview you review your CV and reflections on what are your strengths and weaknesses to try to exploit everything that will give a good image of you. You must learn your CV from memory because many interviewers use it to make you fall into contradictions.


Have good arguments prepared since they will ask you the reason for almost everything. The reason that you left a year blank, that you went to an Erasmus country and not another, that you chose to continue training, that you left a job ... Whenever they ask you about other companies in which you have worked, try to Argue your exits without making negative comments.

  • Everything you think about in advance will be beneficial on the day of the interview.