How to encourage teamwork

Currently there are many organizations that demand their employees the ability to carry out their tasks in a team environment, turning that scenario away from the employee who came to the office, towards his own, and left without being held accountable to anyone but his boss. The working world expects us to accept this premise, but the problem is that many employees have not been taught how to do it, so in .com we give you the keys so you know how to encourage teamwork within your department or in your organization

Steps to follow:


To create a team, it is important that each of its members be clear about its fundamental purpose, the goal for which they are working together, in this way it will be easier for everyone to be in tune


To work as a team, the abilities of the members must be taken into account in such a way that each of the members offers a specific contribution in order to achieve the objective set


In order to achieve a successful teamwork you can not leave aside the rules and regulations that will constitute the group, in this way all the members will start from the same premise, for example punctuality, compliance with the objectives set, etc.


The stimulus is an important part of teamwork and should not be overlooked, it is important to recognize the merits of the members each time an objective is reached, in this way everyone will be willing to continue collaborating


Promoting good attitude is also essential, so the person coordinating the team must be willing to give their best and take responsibility for guiding a group of people in the best possible way.


Communication is another important basis for teamwork, and can not be absent. Everything related to the project should be clearly communicated and team members should feel in the ability to convey their ideas, innovations and even discontents


How in any other aspect of life, respect is also a necessary value to carry out any work that requires teamwork


Finally you should try to be as objective as possible when working as a team, although personal sympathies are valid, they can not permeate the work environment, as they could cause discomfort among other project members.