How to choose the logo of my company

One of the elements that characterizes the company and exerts a fundamental role is the logo. It is formed by an image and typography and must be thought of taking into account what we want to convey. It is a way to present a company quickly through a visual stimulus. A good logo will be consistent with the type of company and will have been worked with the values of the same. It may seem superficial, but who does not remember the logo of Coca-Cola or Apple? The objective is to establish a communication between our company and the public through the logo emblem. In we will explain how to choose a logo for your company .

Steps to follow:


The first thing you should think about is what you want to convey with the logo. Do you want to generate tranquility, confidence, happiness? All this series of sensations are created by choosing a suitable color, the correct typography and an image. If we achieve that these 3 elements complement each other taking into account the image we want to show, there will be more possibilities for the public to perceive it.

A logo that draws attention, will increase the chances that it stays in the minds of people and that in this way is remembered. Not only is it focused on being original, but we should think about reflecting the spirit of the brand. If we comply with this, we will have won two things: the first, the logo will attract attention; the second, will have coherence with the company, which will generate confidence in the public.


Another factor to take into account to know how to choose a logo for your company, is that it must adapt to the different formats in which it will be presented. If for example, your logo appears in small in all the sections of your web page, in the corner of a magazine or by the fact of being seen from afar or through the screen of a smaller device. The logo must be easily recognizable in different dimensions. In the same way, you should think if it would make sense in black and white in case your logo is in color.


Your logo must be unique to be associated with your company and not with any other. It is not necessary to look for complexity when developing a logo, but look for simplicity and originality . Something simple will be easier to perceive and understandable, but it is also harder to create, even if it seems contradictory. For example, the Puma logo is a puma jumping. It is easy to remember and is consistent with a sporty image, as a cougar transmits strength, agility and speed. This is the idea with which we can think of a brand; It has consistency with the image that the company wants to transmit and is original.


Another tip to know how to choose a logo for your company, is to think that it should be able to adapt to changes that occur over time . A company is created thinking that it will have a long duration, so in the same way the logo should be conceived. There are many examples of companies that have had to make significant changes in the logo to be able to adapt, while others have barely changed it.


The decision of how to choose the logo is important. For this reason, it is perhaps better to share the ideas with other members of the company, in order to look for common goals and try to put them together to think about the logo. If all the creators of the company have clear values ​​and the image you want to convey, you can provide more ideas that match the logo you want to create. If the creator is a person, perhaps you should wait a while after thinking about the logo, to find out if it is boring in the end or if, on the contrary, you like it more and more over time. In this process, you can create different logos, to see which one you like the most and which one loses the virtues that you had initially seen.