How to calculate the Chinese lunar age

The Chinese calendar was introduced in 2637 a. C. by Emperor Huangdi and is the longest chronological record in the world. More than a quarter of the world's population uses this calendar to celebrate the New Year and plan parties. People refer to the calendar to find the Chinese lunar age, in order to predict the sex of the baby, to discover its birth sign of China or simply out of simple curiosity. If you want to learn from your Chinese lunar age, you will only need a little basic information about your birth.

Steps to follow:


Add one year to your current age. Traditionally, Chinese people consider time since conception and count as part of a person's age. On the day of his birth, he is 1 year old, according to the Chinese calendar.


Do some additional calculations if you were born in January or February. The Chinese calendar is a combination of solar and lunar calendar, based on the movements of the sun and the moon. Because of this, the Chinese New Year falls somewhere between January 21 and February 21 of each year. If you were born in January or February, the Chinese calendar may consider one more year.


Find the year you were born on a Chinese New Year list, which can be found on the Internet. A birthday before the Chinese New Year means your birthday will be included in the previous year. For example, in 1980, the Chinese New Year occurred on February 16. According to the Chinese calendar, every person born before February 16 was born in 1979.


Calculate the Chinese lunar age, subtracting its year of Chinese birth from the current year, and then add a year. For example, if according to the Chinese calendar was born in 1980, then in 2011 it would be 32 years (2011 - 1980 = 31 + 1 = 32).