How to train a new employee

Starting a new job causes a lot of stress and nervousness. You must learn many things in a short time, adapt to new colleagues and new leaders. A good boss must, among many other things, use empathy to put himself in the place of the employee in general and the novel in particular. If we want our team to perform and be productive, we must encourage their commitment, responsibility and enthusiasm. It is not something simple, but if we get committed employees, productivity will come alone.

We must have a broad vision, be observers and know how to detect their strengths in order to realize their full potential. It is also important to recognize the work and maintain your motivation. At .com we want to teach you how to train a new employee to create a committed, productive, motivated and happy human team.

Steps to follow:


Present the employee to his new colleagues. First, keep a brief meeting with him with a brief explanation about the company, its departments, the objectives of the same at a global level and the objectives of your work in particular. Ask him his impressions, doubts or concerns.

Then introduce your co-workers. If the company is very large it will not be necessary to present it to the departments in which it has no professional relationship, but as far as possible it is interesting that you can get a visual idea of ​​the organizational structure of the company.

As it is probable that the first day consists basically of presentations, at the time of the rest it facilitates its socialization trying to make lunch with some companions to chat in a more relaxed way.


It is important, also, that to train a new employee you can create a manual about the tasks, the organizational chart of the company, the telephones and e-mails that you will need and a series of frequently asked questions. If the work requires a schedule of entries, exits and strict breaks, define it from the beginning and add it to the manual.

The manual is very useful because the employee can consult it whenever he wants. To make it we must take into account the type of work that will develop and the important things necessary for its performance. It must be updated in case of changes. It is advisable that it be as didactic as possible, with examples, screenshots, etc ... It is a good idea to present it in electronic format and on paper.


Define a few days of training in which employees will be taught their tasks and tools with which they will carry them out, it should not be too short to give them time to assimilate the new guidelines. Encourage him to express his concerns and doubts. Try to give practical examples to facilitate their understanding.

Once the training process has been assimilated, it defines another period in which the employee will perform practical tasks that will later be supervised and corrected in order to complete the training process. This period can be more or less long depending on the employee's ability to successfully complete the assigned tasks. Although a standard period should be set, it is important to keep in mind that each person requires an assimilation time that is different in each case.


Motivation. If you want to train a new employee it is very important to learn how to motivate them . Once the employee knows how to carry out their tasks and finally joins the team, it is important to learn to motivate each worker to develop their maximum potential. To do this, special attention must be paid to each person's personality, abilities, attitudes and aptitudes.

Once we have that radiography of our employees, it is convenient to strengthen their strengths and go supplying the weak with the strengths of others, so we can create a complete team, prepared and empathetic. It is essential to maintain good communication with the team and make them share your expectations. Take into account your opinions and suggestions.

In we tell you how to improve communication in a company.


Fosters the camaraderie. It is good to create a good work and communication environment so that employees feel comfortable. We must try to convey that they are a team whose pieces are equally important and necessary. It is essential to avoid favoritism, apply empathy and develop assertiveness. In we give you some tips so that you know how to improve the work environment.

If you follow these simple tips, invest in a good training and development and develop your assertiveness and empathy, you will be able to train a new employee successfully.