How to choose what to study

Throughout our lives we constantly consider what we will do in the future and at a certain moment that includes that we are going to study after finishing high school or college. If you are reading this article it is because you have probably asked yourself more than once how to choose what to study, in .com we give you some important points to take into account to choose the best option for you.

Steps to follow:


The first step to know what to study is to make an analysis of yourself. Start by thinking about the type of character you have: you are sociable or shy, you like to read or dislike you, you like more practical subjects or theory, you have a good memory. Answering these approaches will help you


Everyone from an early age we can stand out for something, in your case, what are your strengths ? Forget for a moment that you are good at science or chemistry and focus on a specific skill: verbal ability, numerical ability, organizational skills, ability spatial etc


The weaknesses also count, for example if you hate reading and memorizing texts it is clear that the career of a lawyer is not for you. If you do not support the numbers you can not study accounting or administration, these "weak" aspects also work to rule out options


From the moment you think about how to choose what to study, you should start thinking about those subjects you enjoy in high school and those you do not. Analyze because you consider that you like or dislike a certain discipline and you can find some answers concerning your character and personality


Have you ever thought about your ideal job ? How do you see yourself in the future? This projection could really help you to locate yourself in a place where you feel comfortable


Evaluating the options is also important and necessary: ​​you can choose between a professional training, a career in the university, a specialization. The offer is diverse and the costs also for that reason it is convenient that you investigate seriously what there is and with what you identify


Once you can determine which studies interest you then inform yourself about the subjects taught, the centers where you can study, what are the possibilities in the labor market studying that. The more accurate knowledge will be the decision


The time and dedication of each study, profession or career is different, there are some more sacrificed and others less, so it is important that you be honest with yourself and determine how much you are willing to devote to your studies


Nothing to follow the fashions, that so and so will study this, that this is the race of the future, what everyone in my family is this. You are deciding something that in theory you will do the rest of your life, that's why the most important thing is you: your desires and abilities


There are other important points to consider: what are the job possibilities with these studies, if it is a global option that will allow you to move anywhere in the world, if it will allow you to advance at the level of knowledge and grow continuously as a professional, also evaluate these aspects before deciding


For some people it is clear from the beginning, but for others it is more important to know what to study, so do not be afraid to resort to psychological evaluations that measure your verbal, numerical, spatial facilities etc and offer you a list of possible options


Also, do not be afraid to talk to your parents, teachers, uncles or older friends so they can give you their opinion about their careers and help you get oriented. If you know people who are dedicated to what you may be interested in studying mark an interview and clarify your doubts

  • Access to information may be the key to choosing your studies, so research what interests you