How to convert cubic meters to gigajoules

The conversion of cubic meters to gigajoules provides a more accurate measure of the energy content of fuels such as natural gas and propane. The cubic meters are volume measurements, while the gigajoules are a measure of the energy content. Measuring fuel based on energy content provides a more accurate picture in calculating fuel costs because the quality of a particular type of fuel can vary from one source to another.

You will need to:
  • Scientific calculator
Steps to follow:


Determine the energy content of the fuel in BTUs (British thermal units) per cubic meter. Other fuels have different BTU values, and even the BTU content of natural gas can vary from supplier to supplier. Find the exact BTU content for the fuel you use in your conversion.


Divide the BTU into a cubic meter by 1, 055 to know how many joules of energy are in the cubic meter. This formula is based on the fact that an energy BTU equals about 1, 055 joules of energy.


Divide the number of joules per billion (1, 000, 000, 000) to find the number of gigajoules per cubic meter.

  • International agreements for the measurement of the volume of fuels assume a standard pressure of 101, 325 kilopascals (kPa) and a standard temperature of 15 degrees centigrade.