How to train a parakeet

The budgies are birds native to Australia that live in large flocks in their natural habitat and form their nests in the eucalyptus trees. They can be of different colors, although the most common are green and yellow or blue and white. Currently the parakeet is a very common companion animal, since they have become very accustomed to living in cages. These birds are a good pet to train, especially younger ones that are more docile, and get them to follow our instructions. So that you can teach yours, in .com we offer you some tips on how to train a parakeet.

Steps to follow:


The training or teaching of these birds depends on two factors: the parakeet and the ability of the person who wants to train it.


If you just bought the parakeet or you just gave it away, you'll have to wait a few days before training it, so you get used to your new home.


Once adapted, you should earn their trust .


Place the cage in a place frequented by the house, so that it becomes accustomed to human presence.


Try not to frighten him with sudden movements and, when changing the food, do it quietly.


Speak to him with a soft and pleasant tone of voice, do not shout at him.


To get it up on your finger, you can do it with some kind of candy or prize so that it gets closer day by day and, finally, you lose your fear and go up.


When it is already tamed or domesticated, you can try to teach it some other skill : entering and leaving the cage, coming to you when calling it, etc.


The fundamental thing to train a parakeet is: patience and time .

  • Gain the trust of your bird and get it to lose fear.