How to clean the roof of my car

There are few parts as sensitive in the car as its roof, not resulting in anything compared to the outside, which can be cleaned simply by going through a sink. We know, in .com, that although it is complex, the roof must be cleaned frequently, because it represents a very important part of the vehicle. Therefore, we answer the question of how to clean the roof of the car, something you have surely asked yourself on occasion. You will need a little effort, but do not think it is something that you can not get by yourself.

Steps to follow:


To clean the interior you will not use water, but a simple microfiber towel . With it, make a review of the roof surface, carefully and very gently. Keep in mind that the roof is sensitive and that you can not hit it or hit it with excessive force. Always move the cloth in the same direction and make sure that no traces of debris can be removed easily. The roof is a usual source of dirt, but the microfiber takes everything.


Once the dirt is removed, you have to clean the roof . It is necessary that you use a cleaning product that is exclusive to the material with which the roof of your vehicle is manufactured, otherwise you could damage it. Check with the manufacturer and be clear about the product you need before using it.


Spray the roof of the car with the cleaning product. Let it take effect and make sure that the roof is well impregnated with the substance.


Use another microfiber cloth, not the same as before, to make a new pass with the roof, this time dragging and removing the cleaning product. Once you move the cloth, you will appreciate how all the dirt that could have been left on the roof comes out. When finished, the roof should be almost as good as new.


If there are still spots, you can use other cleaning products for the vehicle, or resort to home remedies, such as the mixture of water and soap, or water and degreaser. Do it in moderation and when you finish, let it dry. Then, if you still do not notice it clean, use the cleaning product from step 3 again. A new pass of the microfiber cloth would have to give you a satisfactory result.