How to wash the car exterior

Dirty cars are undoubtedly unsightly and the key to a car wash is to work from top to bottom and only one side at a time. Confused? Here we leave you some simple steps to leave your car as new.

You will need to:
  • Suede
  • Gloves for car wash
  • Car wash brush
  • Car wash soap
  • Garden hoses
  • Rags
  • Large sponge
  • Big Cube
Steps to follow:


Choose a shady spot, preferably away from the trees that drain sap or drop leaves.


Make sure all doors and windows are closed. Put car soap in a bucket and fill it to about 3/4 with warm water. Leave the cube aside.


With a hose removes any excess dirt from the car, starting with the roof and going down to the tires.


Soap a sponge or cloth towel in the bucket of soapy water and run the sponge on the roof of the car . Remove the soap when the entire roof has been cleaned.


Repeat the procedure for all four sides of the car, wash a full face including windows, mudguards and tires, when it is completely rinsed you go to the next part.


Give the car a final rinse with the hose to get rid of water spots on all four sides after having been washed and rinsed.


Take a chamois or towel and dry the car thoroughly placing the towel against the surface of the car and dragging along to collect the water spots. Start with the roof and lower the tires in this way.


Wash the windows with a cloth dampened in clean, dry water with a dry cloth or use glass cleaner and pieces of newspaper paper both on the inside and outside of the windows.


Give any metal or chrome part an extra shake to get rid of water spots.

  • Wear old clothes for this task.
  • The soap dries quickly, washes one side at a time to prevent the soap from drying on the car paint.
  • Moisten and wring the chamois before drying, this way it will absorb water better.
  • Do not use dish soap, dish soap is designed for dishes. Use car wash soap.
  • Make sure there are no rocks or other debris in your rags or towels, these will scratch the finish.