How to make a car flavored

Do you want to change the fragrance of your car ? Then you have two options: the first is to go to the supermarket to buy a chemical freshener and the second is to choose your favorite perfumes and create yourself a flavoring for the car . This second option is much more natural and personalized because you can choose your favorite aromas and create, thus, the ideal setting for your car. In this article we detail step by step how to make a flavoring for the car, do you dare to try it?

Steps to follow:


The materials you need to make a flavored car are:

  • Paperboard
  • Cloth
  • Non-toxic glue suitable for paper and cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Punch or similar tool to make a hole
  • Tape, thread, cord; or a rubber band
  • Essential oil or a blend of oil fragrances of your choice
  • A pipette or dropper (optional)
  • Paper
  • Marker or something to draw

The main materials can be recycled, use an old cardboard box, and the old dress of an aunt. If you want. The typical design includes the shape of a pine or tree. Any design you would like to do is fine. Draw only the contour of the shape on a sheet of paper


Once we have done the drawing of what will be our air freshener, we will have to cut the template and then place it on the fabric to cut two pieces of fabric.


The next step is to give consistency to the homemade air freshener for the car and, for this, we will have to place the template on the cardboard and cut a piece of cardboard.


Then you will have to stick the fabric on each side of the cardboard and let it dry.


Carefully drop 10 to 20 drops of the chosen oil on each side of the flavoring. Remember the rule to combine essential oils: the same amount of drops for each aroma. Let it dry.

If you do not know what essence is better for your car, in this article we help you choose the freshener for your car.


Drill a hole in the top of the flavoring. Pass the tape through there and tie a knot. Hang the room deodorant in the rearview mirror of your car. When you feel that you no longer aromatize the car, it's time for a few more drops of essential oil.